Heritage Management Consultancy Perth


Major Oak Archaeological Heritage Services is a professional archaeology and heritage management consultancy based in Western Australia.

We offer a new comprehensive archaeological services to Australia including a strong focus on mining , exploration and all heritage related sites.

Archaeologists from Major Oak deliver efficient project management and cutting edge analysis with a reputation for getting the job done on time and on budget.

Our heritage management services are second to none with a wealth of experience brought to bear on each assignment. We can provide a range of heritage services in Perth including Aboriginal archaeology services, GPR scanning services, heritage education workshops and much more.

As part of our skill set we bring outstanding ability pioneering the latest photogrammetry techniques and 3d modelling of archaeological sites bringing clear and unique understanding where required.

We take pride in our efficient, highly ethical reputation and strive for excellence in all we do.


Major Oak Heritage Services prides themselves in following the codes of ethics of AACAI, AAA and AICOMOS regarding the conduct of cultural heritage management.


Results, we always deliver on the job at hand.
Integrity, always be up front and honest
Respect, Treat each assignment and all people associated with it
Care, take all steps necessary to show it.
Safety, ensure all procedures are followed with it in mind.
Innovation, think outside the box