Meet Our Team 


Professional affiliations:  AACAI, AAA, ASHA, ICOMOS
Associates: Thomson Cultural Heritage Management

Stay in touch:

Joshua Davis 

Joshua established Major Oak Heritage Services in 2018. Specialising in both Aboriginal and historic archaeology. Joshua is also skilled in photogrammetry, the production of high-quality 3D models and is a commercial remotely piloted aircraft systems operator.

Joshua’s qualifications include a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Archaeology and a Bachelor of Arts in Archaeology and Classical/Ancient History. He is an Associate Member of the Australian Association of Consulting Archaeology Incorporated (AACAI), a member of the Australian Archaeological Association (AAA) and is the current State Representative for the Australian Society for Historical Archaeology (ASHA).  Currently Joshua is studying a Master’s degree in Applied Anthropology and Participatory Development (Part-time) at The Australian National University.

Joshua is proficient in the conduct of archaeological surveys and assessments, excavation, analysis, reporting, salvage, government approvals, stakeholder consultation and the development and delivery of heritage education. He has worked closely and built strong relationships with Traditional Owner groups in the Pilbara and South West. Joshua has also worked on numerous historic archaeological projects including the Barrack St Jetty Project at Elizabeth Quay, Kings Square Renewal Project in Fremantle, Perth Girls Orphanage and New Western Australian Museum.  

Joshua is skilled in developing and delivering heritage training and education to a wide range of audiences. He delivers school incursions for primary and secondary schools and promotes access to archaeological education for all schools.  Incursions focus on educating students about archaeology; the value and importance of protecting heritage; and promoting the understanding of Australian Aboriginal culture from an archaeological perspective.

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Bob Sheppard

Bob has a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Archaeology and a Graduate Certificate in Forensic Anthropology. He is an Honorary Research Associate of the Western Australian Museum, a  role which is the result of over 30 years of service to that institution. Bob has worked on archaeological and heritage projects around Australia, Vietnam and Japan and is currently the manager for the Vietnam Maritime Archaeology Project.

He is recognised as a leading exponent of the use of metal detectors in archaeology and has applied this technology to sites including those associated with Australian bushrangers, early Dutch shipwrecks, the French annexation of Western Australia, Kublai Khan’s invasion of Vietnam and the lost galleon San Franciso (1609) in Japan.  




Steve Wells

Steve has completed a Master of Professional Archaeology at the University of Western Australia. He has worked on archaeological assessments and management plans in the Mid-West and metro areas of Western Australia and Vietnam. Consulting with local communities and working in collaboration with stakeholders has been a feature of Steve’s work.

Steve has done voluntary archaeological research with the Maritime Museum of W.A. and local Government bodies. This has included providing community outreach and public presentations to local people. As a member of the Vietnam Maritime Archaeology Project, Steve is researching Neolithic sites and the location of the ancient port of Van Don, both located in Northern Vietnam.