Major Oak Heritage Services are experienced educators and possess all relevant valid Working with Children checks and qualifications. We are able to develop and deliver individualised school heritage education packages, including heritage inductions, awareness training and primary and secondary school heritage workshops in Perth and WA to suit the program. We pride ourselves in creating a fun, safe and all-inclusive environment to inspire student curiosity and inquiry in the field or classroom.

We offer incursions for all levels of education, from pre-primary to university and can customise the heritage incursion packages to meet your curriculum needs.

We offer the following school heritage workshop packages in WA:

  • Portable (small-scale) excavation

  • Artefact analysis

  • Archaeological presentations and demonstrations of :

    • Ancient Rome;

    • Ancient Greece;

    • Ancient Egypt;

    • Ancient Britain; or

    • Career insights.

  • Technical presentations and demonstrations of the use of: a) drones; or b) ground penetrating radar in archaeology

If you want to know more about our school heritage education workshops in Perth, get in contact!

Contact us

We would like the opportunity to consult or quote on your next project. Please contact us to see what we can offer you. We'd love to make the connection.