Our team at Major Oak Heritage Services are well versed in the planning, facilitation and conduct of historical investigations. From start to finish, we consistently liaise with our clients in order to provide the best heritage management and heritage consultancy services in WA, and to make sure the client’s requirements are met. Major Oak Heritage Services is experienced with remote outback and urban development projects and consistently proves itself to never compromise safety or our integrity. Our team have all completed White Card Construction Training (Western Australia). If you are a heritage consultant in Perth, get in contact today!

Our heritage management services:

  • Desktop and archival research

  • Anthropological and archaeological historical surveys

  • Site recording and assessment

  • Archaeological excavation

  • Artefact analysis

  • Mitigative salvage

  • Significance assessments

  • Government approvals

  • Site management plans

  • Monitoring

  • Site audits

  • Geographical Information Systems (GIS) mapping

  • Ground penetrating radar (GPR)

  • Photogrammetry, cinematography and aerial photography

Contact us

We would like the opportunity to consult or quote on your next project. Please contact us to see what we can offer you. We'd love to make the connection.