Major Oak Heritage Services provides a comprehensive professional service and vast experience in planning, facilitation and conduct of all archaeological and anthropological surveys in Western Australia. No two jobs are ever the same so we carefully plan and tailor the project to meet the client’s needs; this includes budgets, timeframes and preparing detailed professional reports. We always provide survey results of the highest standard and quality.

We are experienced in providing unique heritage planning solutions and advice on mitigative procedures and strategies for the protection or salvage of Aboriginal heritage sites within Australia. We pride ourselves on our utilisation of non-invasive methods for recording and analysing heritage places further. In some cases, this may lead to the excavation and analysis of important Western or Indigenous archaeological sites and cultural or historically significance material, in order to further develop our understanding of the cultural and historic landscape.

Our capabilities:

  • Desktop and archival research

  • Anthropological and archaeological heritage surveys

  • Site recording and assessment

  • Archaeological excavation

  • Artefact analysis

  • Mitigative salvage

  • Significance assessments

  • Government approvals

  • Site management plans

  • Monitoring

  • Site audits

  • Geographical Information Systems (GIS) mapping

  • Ground penetrating radar (GPR)

  • Photogrammetry, cinematography and aerial photography

Contact us

We would like the opportunity to consult or quote on your next project. Please contact us to see what we can offer you. We'd love to make the connection.